Biology 101
""Ground Zero"" Respiratory Illness


The true nature of the respiratory impairments suffered by so many of the first-responders at ""Ground Zero"" is being suppressed and ignored as part of the ongoing cover-up of 9/11. This is being done because the unnaturally fine size of the particles responsible for such effects could only have been caused by exotic weaponry not available to "guys in caves in Afghanistan" -- and widespread knowledge of that fact would cause large numbers of people to reject the Official Government Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 (and that might lead to an uprising of actual democracy in the USA...).

Our lungs contain cilia, tiny hair-like cells that line our lungs and extend slightly into the air passages. Their job is to help keep the lungs clean. They do this by sweeping out any particles that have been carried into the lungs during breathing. They can't move marbles, or pebbles, or BBs, but those things are far larger than any particles that typically get inhaled. Cilia are meant, and sized, to work with and help remove small particles of smoke and dust and soot and the like.

But when nanoparticles (fragmented molecules and loose atoms, which result from matter being exposed from temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun, as is known to happen here on Earth in nuclear detonations) are inhaled into the lungs, such as when first-responders arrive on the scene of an actual but localized "nuclear winter", those particles are far too tiny for the cilia to ever effectively remove them.

Sometimes size does matter...

One way to think of this is to consider how easy it is to move a beach ball in a desired direction with a baseball bat. A soccer ball is still pretty easy to move with a baseball bat. But a softball is more difficult, and a baseball harder still. Hitting a golf ball, or a marble, in a desired direction with a baseball bat is getting pretty difficult even for a professional. But what about a speck of dust? That is so much smaller than a baseball bat that the normal rules of hitting an object with a bat don't even apply any more. And so it is with cilia: nanoparticles are too small for them to be effective, and thus the lungs have much greater difficulty effectively cleansing themselves after becoming contaminated with nanoparticles.

Thus it is the size of the particles in the lungs and bodies (particles that tiny can be absorbed directly through the skin, they don't necessarily need to be inhaled) of the ""Ground Zero"" workers that not only accounts for their unusual disabilities but also reveals what did (and did not) happen there on 9/11.

Yet none of that is being discussed.

While the professional medical community hems and haws and mumbles a lot and shrugs its shoulders regarding what's making these people sick, many 911truth 'movement' entities have gotten people to wonder what was in the 'dust'. When they refer to the sizes of the particles, they formerly spoke of the average particle size, drawing attention away from how unnaturally tiny the smallest particles were. And now that they are finally acknowledging the presence of nanoparticles in all that special 'dust', they are still working to divert attention from the exotic nature of the energy release on 9/11 (and for months afterward) by trying to get people to think in terms of simple chemical compounds and chemical reactions.

Whether you believe in the so-called theory of evolution or in the so-called theory of "intelligent design" or not, it would make no sense for mammals' lungs to be able to cleanse themselves of particles far tinier than what ever occur in any abundance in nature, or have been encountered by any living creature with the exception of those in the proximity of nuclear detonations. That's why the bodies of the first-responders are responding the way they are -- poorly -- to that exposure.

Shouldn't that have been some kind of headline somewhere?

All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people (like doctors and professors and 911truth leaders?) to do (and say) nothing...
