Suicidal Hijackers?
- Are we sure? How?
- No direct evidence
- No "martyrdom videos"
- Some are still alive
Some of "the 19" are still alive?
Mistaken identity or total fiction? Why does the U.S. mass media keep showing us the same 19 faces and names as if there was no doubt? source another
- Not on passenger lists
- Passport found at WTC?
Passport found at WTC?
This is believed by those who want to believe it. But such indirect evidence arouses more suspicion that it was planted than it proves hijacking. Does the govt still claim it? You should read about it from someone who was there, Sgt. Matthew Tartaglia: Here's the interview
- No hijack codes received
- Planes fly themselves
- No cockpit voice recordings
- Cell calls from airplanes?
Cell Phone Calls
First successful test in 2004 relied upon a special satellite link: press release
- Phone, radio calls can be faked
Function: Create an enemy
Passenger Airliners?
- Are we sure what hit the buildings? How?
- No direct evidence for
- Wreckage is insufficient, inadequate, and contradictory
Contradictory Evidence
Government-published images reveal that aircraft wreckage found at the Pentagon was not from a Boeing 757. source more
- No "black box" data released
- No NTSB investigations
- No radar transponder codes
- Suspicious 2nd hit videos
- Some evidence against
- Revealing 1st hit video
Naudet video "Flash Frame"
The only known video of the 1st WTC impact shows an anomalous mysterious brief bright burst of light just at the point of impact. This evidence has been totally ignored by the government and the media and all other institutions, including Michael Moore's movie. This video evidence has also been suppressed and dismissed by the mutually-proclaimed 'leaders' of the 9/11 "truth" 'movement'.
- Pentagon Video Frames
Pentagon Video Frames
The only views (1C 2C) released to the public of whatever hit the Pentagon are the 5 video frames released by the U.S. government on March 7, 2002. As with the passport which turned up at Ground Zero, this evidence raises far more questions than it answers, only moreso. The first frame, which supposedly shows us a Boeing 757 obscured by a small nearby pedestal, actually reveals that the picture is of an obscured object which is smaller than a 757. There are also other anomalies. As with the only video of the 1st WTC impact, this, the government's own evidence, which contradicts the government's version of 9/11, has been ignored by all our institutions.
- Premature sub-grade WTC explosions
Sub-grade explosions
There are numerous indications
that some kind of powerful explosions occurred deep in the basement levels of the WTC at 8:46 and 9:03
Function: Stoke the legend
- Needed for "hijackers"
- Good cover, literally and figuratively, as always
- It plays well to people's fears
- Flight is government-regulated
- Government controls radar information
- Government controls investigations
- Government can bypass the goverment-required NTSB investigations
Gravitational Collapses?
We are sure. It's impossible!The official explanation for what happened at ""Ground Zero"" relies upon a gravitational collapse theory which fails both of the only two conservation-of-energy tests to which it has ever been put:
Gravity (Time)
Gravity (Time)- We know how gravity acts:
d = .5 * g * t2 - Air resistance causes large deviations from that
- WTC towers 'collapsed' in near-free-fall times
- A destructive collapse from above at near-free-fall speeds is impossible, so
- Clearly, the towers were not destroyed by the falling of mass from above
Heat (Volume)
Heat (Ideal Gas Law):- PV = nRT
- A Volume of gas can increase only if the external Pressure on it decreases or its Temperature increases (n and R are constants and can be disregarded. P was also constant atmospheric, so a huge rise in T is the only explanation)
- The too-soon too-huge size of the expanding well-defined dust cloud boundary reveals that an enormous, unaccounted-for release of heat energy accompanied the 'collapses'
- Only some other form of energy can account for all the fine dust and molten steel and 99-day "hot spots"
For extra credit:
Is it intellectually honest to continue to blame 9/11 on hijackers even after we know that we cannot blame the demise of the twin towers on planes?
Function of 'collapses':
- Core of the surrealistic psychological assault; seals the big lie shut with more massive casualties
- Make sure everyone hates "those hijackers" way too much to ever even consider that they might not have been real
- Distractive opportunity for willful demolition of WTC 7
- Turn USA into a Homeland
Bad Luck that no aircraft intercepted?
We are sure. We are being lied to.
- NORAD has lied to us
- U.S. Sen. Dayton said so
- Intercepting wayward planes is routine and required by law
- Payne Stewart's small non-threatening "ghost plane" was promptly intercepted in 1999
- Those who failed us on 9/11 were not reprimanded or demoted or tried for dereliction of duty or for treason, but they were promoted
Eberhart Receives Promotion
The man responsible for NORAD's performance on 9/11 became the head man at the new military command over the USA, which was established only in the wake of the total system failure to which NORAD's contributions were so significant.
Function of 'failure':
- Necessary to the legend
- Just thinking about planes and hijackers serves to subliminally and powerfully reinforce the legend's core
- If necessary, people at this level can be scapegoated to protect and reinforce the core of the legend
Intelligence Failure?
We are sure. We are being lied to.9/11 has been labeled an intelligence failure by those who peddle the false legend of 9/11. This so-called failure has benefitted those who failed us and [those] who attacked us.
British Environment Minister Michael Meacher, in September 2003, told us that it was not possible to claim a "defence of incompetence" because too many other nations had warned us of the very scenario the U.S. government not only claims happened but of which it also falsely claims to have never considered.
Consider the stories of FBI agent Coleen Rowley and FBI translator Sibel Edmonds and other "we should have prevented 'it'" empty recriminations:
Whistleblower Coleen Rowley
Time Magazine\'s co-Person Of The Year in 2002 has told us that the FBI was thwarted from within. source (And every time we hear how "it" -- 9/11 -- could have been prevented, that reinforces the false impression that the explanation we've all been given for "it" must be true.)
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds
She has told us that "we knew" -- as if what the government claims happened that day is what really did. Especially when it appeared that her story was causing U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft to demonstrate how claims of "national security" can be used to conceal treasonous acts.
example example
"Able Danger"
This clearly-named-for-public-consumption military intelligence "operation" supposedly was about tracking Mohammed Atta in the years prior to 9/11, insinuating that Atta actually was causally related to 9/11. (Every time we hear it suggested how "it" -- 9/11 -- could have been prevented, that reinforces the false impression that the explanation we've all been given for "it" must be true.)
The 8/6/08 PDB
This is that Presidential Daily Briefing which Condoleeza Rice "reluctantly", with such drama, in testimony before a Congressional committee, revealed about "Osama determined to attack inside the U.S.". (And every time we hear how "it" -- 9/11 -- should have been prevented, that reinforces the false impression that the explanation we've all been given for "it" must be true.)
Those who were responsible for the 'failures' were not reprimanded or demoted or tried for dereliction of duty or for treason, but they were promoted and decorated.
Myers Receives Promotion
The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and its Acting Chairman on 9/11 became its Chairman less than a month later.
Tenet Receives Medal
In presenting outgoing CIA Director George Tenet with the Medal of Freedom, President Bush did not fail to mention 9/11. source
Function of 'failure':
- Very helpful to the legend
- Just thinking about Osama and al-Qaeda serves to subliminally and powerfully reinforce the legend's very core
- As with Oklahoma City, the intelligence and law enforcement communities which failed us will receive increased funding and greater authority, further incentivizing such failures
- Suddenly "homeland security", however ill-defined and ill-conceived, sounds good